How To Block Websites On Google Chrome – Guide
Maybe you are configuring up computers for use in a school, or setting up a system for your own child in home. Or maybe you know your own tendency to get off course during your workday and search Reddit or Instagram when you should be working. Whatever your reason for blocking websites in Google Chrome, the process is simple. All you need to do is install a simple extension called BlockSite and learn how to use it. Experts say installing a browser extension is the easiest way to block a website on a desktop version of Chrome. They recommend using BlockSite, a free website blocker for Chrome with over a million users. (For your information, not all Google Chrome extensions protect your information online. This is the hidden truth about Google’s incognito mode.) You can search or click the URL, but Chrome displays an error page instead. to load the site. There are several ways to block websites in Chrome, including using a browser extension, a wireless router, and more. By filtering or restricting specific websites, you can protect devices from viruses, monitor children’s online activities, and increase productivity at work.
How to block websites in google chrome on a desktop
BlockSite also allows users to set a website blocking schedule. You can even block specific words with the extension blocking a website in Chrome if it contains words. This would be useful if someone were trying to visit a site by messing with up the URL. Experts say installing a browser extension is the easiest way to block a website on a desktop version of Chrome.
Final note
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