Why does this matter? Simple passwords cause trouble for your employees, network, and data regardless of your business or the degree of built-in cyber security protection provided by your organization. Login information for your network, email, cloud applications, as well as individual passwords for social networking sites, private email, online banking, and e-commerce sites, may be compromised if they are simple for a hacker to guess. Use newsletters and posters to remind staff of the foundations of creating strong passwords as part of your security awareness training and campaigns, as well as micro- and nano-learnings focused on password security. We have mentioned steps below to create a strong password

5 tips to create a strong password

Be unique

Dodi Glenn, senior director of security intelligence and research laboratories at Threat Track Security, a business that develops malware analysis and antivirus software, advised never using the same password for several accounts. It’s not a good habit to form. Even while using the same password across multiple accounts is simpler, Glenn warned that if it is compromised, the consequences might be far worse.

Be lengthy

According to Smith, the longer the password, the more difficult and time-consuming it is for thieves to figure it out. “Traditionally, eight characters have sufficed, however this is no longer sufficient. Password-cracking software has evolved faster, as has everything else in the world of technology. Some of them claim to be able to make 350 billion guesses per second, which means they can break an 8-character password in a matter of seconds. Experts now advise users to create passwords of at least 13 to 20 characters in order to safeguard themselves.

Password strength isn’t personal

It’s crucial that you refrain from using anything unique to you, such as a nickname, your birthdate, or the name of your pet. This is information that a hacker may easily discover by looking at your social media accounts, locating your online professional profile, or even by simply listening to a conversation you’re having with another person.

Special characters in passwords

Although using special characters in your passwords is a really good way of making them extra secure, not all online accounts allow you to use any symbol you like.

Don’t recycle your passwords

There are no exceptions; each account must have its own original, exclusive password. Consider recent instances of data breaches. Some of them have happened on less significant accounts, like the Fitness app on your phone, rather than truly crucial ones like your bank account. You’re in trouble if the password for a seemingly unimportant account (a fitness app) is also used for a more crucial account (a bank), and the data is compromised. Your fitness app information may not be that important, but your bank account information that uses the same password is quite important.

Final Words

So here we conclude our article on how to create a strong password. The main characteristics of a strong password include length (the longer the better), a combination of letters (in both capital and lower case), digits, and symbols, the absence of any associations with your personal information, and the avoidance of dictionary words. The good news is that you may include all of these elements in your passwords without having to memories horrible sequences of random letters, numbers, and symbols.

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