Guide: How to Get Close Tabs Warn­ing in Chrome Browser

Sometimes little things make a big difference. Let’s take the example of the warning box that appears up in Firefox when we try to close multiple tabs. The warning tab is actually a job loss protection if you accidentally close the browser. I’ve often made the mistake of absent-mindedly closing a tab I didn’t need at the expense of a tab that ran in the background and did something important, like a download or horror of horror, an online banking transaction! This error is more common in the Chrome browser, of course. Firefox has a labor-saving warning window that looks like this: Chrome doesn’t. Frankly, I think this is a surprising omission on a browser that supports multi-tab browsing in separate threads. Well, as we all know, what Chrome lacks by default feature, the extensions fill the gap. Window closing protector is a Chrome browser extension that adds a warning box to prevent you from accidentally closing multiple tabs. Don’t be fooled by the name – “Window” could be a misnomer for an extension that handles tabs. But it does exactly what it is intended to do. This is how it works:

  1. Install the Window Close Protector extension from the Chrome Web Store.

  2. After installing the extension, you can dive into the option to set how it will behave. The Minimum age for tabs setting (in seconds) is important as this is the time period after which the extension prompt takes effect in case you click close buttonThe Unprotect after prompt prevents auto-loading pages from causing annoying prompts.

  3. When you try to close the window while browsing, the extension will ask you to confirm that you really want to close the window. Click Exit this page to close the window. Click on Stay on this page of course you can continue browsing.

Window Close Protector is one of those extensions you might overlook in a crowd of flashy versions. But try closing it accidentally once and you will come to appreciate the utility. Tell us if you agree … or disagree.

How to Get Close Tabs Warn­ing in Chrome Browser: benefits


Final note

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