set your location

Step 1: Open Alexa On your phone🇧🇷 Step 2: I go to the Devices tab. Step 3: Select your echo device🇧🇷 Step 4: tap on Definitions gear in the upper right corner. Step 5: scroll to device location🇧🇷 Step 6: Set your current location and tap the To save button🇧🇷

Stay informed with Alexa

Step 1: Open the Alexa app and swipe to Most tab. Step 2: select Definitions🇧🇷 Step 3: Open News🇧🇷 Step 4: Touch My news channels and choose your top news sources.

Get local traffic updates

Step 1: Start Alexa mobile app and go to Definitions (see steps above). Step 2: scroll to Path🇧🇷 Step 3: set your home and workplaces (add a stop if you wish) and select your preferred type of travel and route preferences.

Use Alexa to watch sports news

Step 1: Open the Alexa app and tap the Most tab. Step 2: expand the View more menu. Step 3: select things to try🇧🇷 Step 4: select news and information🇧🇷 Step 5: I go to the sports menu. Step 6: Touch select favorite teams🇧🇷 Step 7: tap on 🇧🇷 icon🇧🇷 Step 8: Search for the team you follow and tap the To save button at the top right corner.

Final Words

How to get local information from Amazon Alexa - 96How to get local information from Amazon Alexa - 20How to get local information from Amazon Alexa - 71How to get local information from Amazon Alexa - 42